Commitment of the Board of Directors to ESG values
The members of the Board of Directors of Urbicsa, in the session held on 30 November 2021, declared that the ESG values (Environmental, Social and Governance) are compatible, valid and representative of the values that URBICSA has and defends as a company before society and agree that the company assumes the ESG principles as its own and undertakes to apply them in its decision making at all levels, as well as in the development of its business activities.
The ESG Committee has also been set up with the following functions:
- To ensure the implementation of the Company’s ESG commitment.
- Overseeing the maintenance of ESG values in all areas of the company.
- Ensuring the application of and compliance with the internal ESG policy, as well as its development, supervision and improvement.
- Develop the strategy for the implementation of ESG values in all the company’s activities and actions, proposing and adopting the recommendations and/or certifications deemed appropriate in ESG matters.
- Promote the necessary actions in terms of communication and training on ESG values so that all Urbicsa employees, external companies and third parties are aware of them.
URBICSA achieves the highest score in the GRESB 2024 assessment
URBICSA has achieved an unprecedented achievement in the GRESB 2024 Assessment, obtaining the maximum rating of 5 stars and a score of 100 out of 100 points. This recognition positions the company as a leader in Europe in sustainability, human capital and infrastructure management, highlighting its commitment to excellence and continuous improvement in the field of government services.
Urbicsa’s commitment to a sustainable future is reflected in the 2023 Corporate Sustainability Report. This document captures the company’s efforts to understand the environmental, social, and governance needs and expectations of key stakeholders surrounding us, so that we can respond through actions, policies, and objectives described in the report.
Urbicsa’s commitment to a sustainable future is reflected in the 2022 Corporate Sustainability Report. This document captures the company’s efforts to understand the environmental, social, and governance needs and expectations of key stakeholders surrounding us, so that we can respond through actions, policies, and objectives described in the report.
Rating GRESB 2023
94 out of 100
In 2023, Urbicsa once again participated in the GRESB Benchmark Report, obtaining a score of 94 out of 100 and 5 stars, well above other companies in the same sector. GRESB is an organisation that provides actionable and transparent ESG data to financial markets, creating a consistent framework to measure, in terms of ESG values, the performance of assets and investment portfolios based on parameterised data.
(medio ambiente)
(gobierno corporativo)
Approval of the Criminal Compliance Programme (Compliance)
Urbicsa has a Compliance Programme, consisting of the following documents:
- Criminal Risk Prevention Manual
- Criminal Compliance Policy
- Code of Business Conduct (Code of Ethics)
- Disciplinary System
The Legal Compliance Committee has also been set up, with the following functions:
- To ensure the application of and compliance with the Criminal Compliance Programme, as well as its development, supervision and improvement.
- To carry out an audit of the evaluation of the criminal risks that may materialise in Urbicsa, as well as to establish and update the methodology for determining the risks. Specifically, the review of the assessment of criminal risks must be updated every two years.
- Recommend to the Board of Directors of Urbicsa the application of measures considered urgent to avoid and, where appropriate, reduce the harmful consequences of any unlawful behaviour or behaviour that may give rise to an assumption of liability.
- Promote the necessary actions in terms of training on the Criminal Regulations Compliance Programme, so that all workers who form part of Urbicsa are aware of it.
- Receive and organise the system for receiving and managing complaints, as well as answering them.
Harassment Protocol / Salary Register
Urbicsa has an internal procedure in accordance with art. 48 of the Organic Law 3/2007, of 22 March for the effective equality of women and men, so that workers can file a complaint in the event of suffering any type of harassment or of having knowledge that the company or any of its workers is carrying out unlawful conduct.
The procedure to protect workers from this type of conduct is regulated in the so-called protocol for the prevention of psychological harassment, sexual harassment and harassment based on sex at Urbicsa. This protocol is made available to the entire workforce and is registered in the REGCON, with registration number 007330.
Likewise, Urbicsa has a salary register of the workforce for the financial year from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021, in accordance with article 28 of Royal Legislative Decree 2/2015, of 23 October, which approves the revised text of the Workers’ Statute Law.
Likewise, Urbicsa requires its main subcontractors to have an updated Equality Plan, providing a certificate as proof of its existence.
Urbicsa has deposited the agreement regarding the Protocol for the prevention of psychological harassment (mobbing), sexual harassment and harassment based on sex, in the Registry of Territorial Services of the Department of Business and Labor. By virtue of the provisions of the second additional provision of Royal Decree 713/2010, of May 28 (BOE of June 12), on registration and deposit of collective agreements, collective work agreements and equality plans.
Estado de información no financiera (EINF)
La Sociedad está exenta de reportar el estado de información no financiera (EINF) dado que no cumple los requisitos legales establecidos en el artículo 262.5 de la Ley de Sociedades de Capital para su presentación al cierre de los ejercicios 2021 y 2020.
En todo caso, el Consejo de Administración de la Sociedad, en su reunión del día 30 de noviembre de 2021, acordó aprobar una declaración de compromiso con los valores ESG (Ambiental, Social y de Gobernanza), de forma que todos los miembros del Consejo de Administración de la Sociedad han manifestado que los valores ESG son compatibles, válidos y representativos de los valores que la Sociedad tiene y defiende como empresa. Así pues, se acordó que la compañía asumía los principios ESG como propios y se comprometía a aplicarlos en la toma de sus decisiones a todos los niveles, así como en el desarrollo de sus actividades empresariales. Por todo ello, se acordó la constitución del Comité de ESG y el nombramiento de sus miembros, siendo sus principales funciones:
a) Asegurar la aplicación del compromiso adquirido por la Sociedad en materia de ESG.
b) Supervisar el mantenimiento de los valores ESG en todos los ámbitos de la empresa.
c) Velar por la aplicación y cumplimiento de la política interna de ESG, así como su desarrollo, supervisión y mejora.
d) Desarrollar la estrategia de implementación de los valores ESG en todas las actividades y actuaciones de la empresa, proponiendo y adoptando las recomendaciones y/o medidas correctoras necesarias.
e) Obtener las cualificaciones y/o certificaciones que se crean oportunas en materia ESG.
f) Promover las acciones precisas en materia de comunicación y formación sobre los valores ESG para su conocimiento por todos los trabajadores de la Sociedad, empresas externas y terceros.
Por otro lado, en el año 2021, la Sociedad ha participado en la GRESB Benchmark Report obteniendo unas calificaciones de nivel medio-alto en comparación con proyectos y/o empresas dentro de su misma actividad. GRESB es una organización que proporciona datos ESG procesables y transparentes a los mercados financieros, creando un marco coherente para medir en términos de valores ESG el rendimiento de activos y carteras de inversión en función de datos parametrizados.
Medio Ambiente
- BKTS 2021
- Certificado Gestión Residuos Material eléctrico
Certificate of Evaluation of URBICSA's internal procedures and controls, in relation to the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing.
Urbicsa has submitted its internal procedures and controls in relation to the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing to an independent external audit, which has analysed the degree of regulatory compliance, as well as the identification of possible risks and proposals for improvements. This examination has been communicated to the Executive Service of the Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Monetary Offences (SEPBLAC).